Results for 'Renato Huarte Cuellar'

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  1. Geografías libertarias y cuidado de la naturaleza : Eliseo Reclus rodeado de Martín Buber.Renato Huarte Cuéllar - 2019 - In Silvana Rabinovich & Rafael Mondragón Velázquez (eds.), Heteronomías de la justicia: exilios y utopías. Université Paris: Bonilla Artigas Editores.
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    (1 other version)Renato Lazzarini.Renato Lazzarini - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 3:486-488.
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    Società, norme e valori: studi in onore di Renato Treves.Renato Treves, Uberto Scarpelli & Vincenzo Tomeo (eds.) - 1984 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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    Carl Schmitt and authoritarian liberalism: strong state, free economy.Renato Cristi - 1998 - Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
    Within Germany, Carl Schmitt's status as a political thinker is on a par with Machiavelli and Hobbes. With the rise in neo-conservatism and authoritarian liberalism in less developed countries such as Chile and Singapore, Renato Christi believes Schmitt's theories will become of considerable importance. Nazi Third Reich. His political theories provide an insight into the nature of Conservatism. well as extrapolate possibilities for the future.
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    On the use of evolutionary mismatch theories in debating human prosociality.Andrés Segovia-Cuéllar & Lorenzo Del Savio - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (3):305-314.
    According to some evolutionary theorists human prosocial dispositions emerged in a context of inter-group competition and violence that made our psychology parochially prosocial, ie. cooperative towards in-groups and competitive towards strangers. This evolutionary hypothesis is sometimes employed in bioethical debates to argue that human nature and contemporary environments, and especially large-scale societies, are mismatched. In this article we caution against the use of mismatch theories in moral philosophy in general and discuss empirical evidence that puts into question mismatch theories based (...)
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  6. What is peace? : It's value and necessity.Hortensia Cuellar - 2009 - In Jinfen Yan & David E. Schrader (eds.), Creating a Global Dialogue on Value Inquiry: Papers From the Xxii Congress of Philosophy (Rethinking Philosophy Today). Edwin Mellen Press.
    The following article is a reflection on the value of peace, a term often attributes to the absence of war or the lack of violence, conflict, suppression or, in short, phenomena considerer opposite to peace. But, is this really how peace should be defined? It is a fact that peace, be it personal inner peace or peace within a society, is constantly threatened, attacked, violated, and destroyed by a variation of causes: the failure to keep a promise, the breach of (...)
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    Human nature and the feasibility of inclusivist moral progress.Andrés Segovia-Cuéllar - 2022 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München
    The study of social, ethical, and political issues from a naturalistic perspective has been pervasive in social sciences and the humanities in the last decades. This articulation of empirical research with philosophical and normative reflection is increasingly getting attention in academic circles and the public spheres, given the prevalence of urgent needs and challenges that society is facing on a global scale. The contemporary world is full of challenges or what some philosophers have called ‘existential risks’ to humanity. Nuclear wars, (...)
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  8. Message from the Secretary-General of the United Nations.H. E. Javier Perez de Cuellar - 2009 - In Joyce Chumbley (ed.), Thomas Paine: in search of the common good. Nottingham, England: Spokesman Books.
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    Ecología humana: ¿Somos lobos o somos perros?Pablo Martínez de Anguita D.´Huart - 2024 - Relectiones 11:69-76.
    El artículo traza una comparación entre la forma y necesidades de vivir del hombre (ecología humana) y del Canis lupus, es decir el lobo o el perro, y se muestra como nuestra ecología human ha avanzado a la par que la del can, lo que puede ser de utilidad para interpretar alguna de las claves sociales y políticas actuales.
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    ¿Un límite al humanismo de Francisco de Vitoria?: Acotaciones a la definición de persona.Mª Idoya Zorroza Huarte - 2025 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 27:165-191.
    En los siglos XV y XVI, con "Humanismo" entendemos una nueva forma de entender al ser humano, que destaca su dignidad y su valor intrínseco. Se potencia cada vez más la capacidad activa, transformadora y creativa del ser humano, lo que lo hace una realidad única en el mundo y separado de él. Esa dignidad le viene de su naturaleza racional y libre, por la que puede darse una identidad propia a través de sus acciones. Por tanto, se debe hablar (...)
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    Žižek, universalismo y colonialismo: doce tesis para no aceptarlo todo.David Pavón-Cuéllar - 2020 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 14 (3).
    Resumen A diferencia de trabajos anteriores sobre el universalismo y el colonialismo en el pensamiento filosófico y político de Žižek, el presente artículo se basa en profundas coincidencias con este pensamiento, así como en irreductibles discrepancias con respecto a muchos de sus detractores. Todo esto no impide que se disienta con respecto a dos puntos fundamentales del filósofo esloveno: su posición universalista abiertamente eurocéntrica y su concepción positiva del colonialismo. La doble divergencia es resumida y justificada en las siguientes doce (...)
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    On the Status of Parthenotes.Joachim Huarte & Antoine Suarez - 2004 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 4 (4):755-770.
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    3.—In Brazil.Renato Kehl - 1931 - The Eugenics Review 23 (3):234.
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    The role of cognitive abilities in decisions from experience: Age differences emerge as a function of choice set size.Renato Frey, Rui Mata & Ralph Hertwig - 2015 - Cognition 142 (C):60-80.
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    Discursos, políticas y percepciones frente a la inmigración judía a Colombia en las primeras décadas del siglo XX.Angélica Alba-Cuéllar - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (55).
    Los grandes flujos migratorios globales que tuvieron lugar entre mediados del siglo XIX e inicios del XX vieron a cientos de millones de personas en todo el mundo cruzar la frontera de su país para ir a otro. En ese escenario, y a diferencia de otros países suramericanos, Colombia no fue un gran receptor de inmigrantes. Sin embargo, algunos de quienes llegaron, entre ellos judíos de distintos orígenes, enfrentaron restricciones para su ingreso al país, que fueron incrementándose particularmente en la (...)
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    Revisiting the Social Origins of Human Morality: A Constructivist Perspective on the Nature of Moral Sense-Making.Andrés Segovia-Cuéllar - 2021 - Topoi 41 (2):313-325.
    A recent turn in the cognitive sciences has deepened the attention on embodied and situated dynamics for explaining different cognitive processes such as perception, emotion, and social cognition. This has fostered an extensive interest in the social and ‘intersubjective’ nature of moral behavior, especially from the perspective of enactivism. In this paper, I argue that embodied and situated perspectives, enactivism in particular, nonetheless require further improvements with regards to their analysis of the social nature of human morality. In brief, enactivist (...)
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    Examen de Emilio Uranga.José Manuel Cuéllar Moreno - 2023 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 21 (147):111.
    El filósofo mexicano Emilio Uranga (1921-1988) es recordado por su Análisis del ser del mexicano (1952) y por su labor como periodista político y asesor de López Mateos, Díaz Ordaz, Echeverría y López Portillo. Es posible tender un puente entre los dos aspectos, gracias a su concepción ontologizante de la Revolución Mexicana, leitmotiv de su producción teórica.
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  18. (1 other version)Los valores,¿ existen?Hortensia Cuéllar - forthcoming - Paideia.
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    Conexiones, circulaciones e intercambios: evoluciones historiográficas de los enfoques globales.Angélica Alba-Cuéllar - 2023 - Co-herencia 20 (39):231-261.
    En años recientes, los enfoques globales se han constituido como alternativas metodológicas que configuran importantes desarrollos en la historiografía al intentar superar las divisiones propias de las fronteras y de las tradicionales historias nacionales. A partir de la revisión de algunos trabajos destacados en este campo, el artículo plantea una reflexión historiográfica sobre esos enfoques, sus propósitos, aportes metodológicos y progresos en el contexto latinoamericano. Se propone la pertinencia de entender una parte sustancial de la historia humana desde una perspectiva (...)
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    Socioeconomic and political-cultural criteria for Agroecology: learnings from Participatory Guarantee Systems.Mamen Cuéllar-Padilla, Isabel Haro Pérez, Marina Di Masso Tarditti, Lara P. Román Bermejo & José Ramón Mauleón - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-17.
    A central debate of Agroecology is the incorporation of socioeconomic and political-cultural criteria in the evaluation of agri-food sustainability. However, the way to define and evaluate these criteria remains an unexplored terrain. In this paper, we aim to systematise how these dimensions are being defined and evaluated through the analysis of 8 initiatives of Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) considered to be part of the agroecological movement in Spain. This analysis identifies those criteria that are commonplace, widely recognised and evaluated by (...)
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    La ragione e il fenomeno: itinerari epistemologici tra matematica e scienze empiriche.Renato Migliorato - 2013 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Que Enxerguemos o Outro Sem Medo: A Contribuição Waratiana Para a Educação Em Direitos Humanos.Renato Duro Dias & Lucas Fernandes Pompeu - 2021 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 7 (1):94-109.
    O presente artigo discute a educação em direitos humanos tendo como base as contribuições de Luis Alberto Warat (1977, 1979, 2003, 2010). Este estudo de abordagem qualitativa se insere no campo das reflexões interdisciplinares, que procura analisar os sistemas jurídicos embasando-se, especialmente, nos campos da educação, da sociologia e da filosofia. A pesquisa se apropria de revisão de literatura para as categorias de análise destacadas. Trata-se de investigar a alteridade como uma capacidade de (des)construir o direito, a partir de uma (...)
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    Redefinición Y transvaloración Del concepto de historia.Leonardo David Arias Cuéllar - 2012 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 33 (107).
    En el presente escrito, se da a conocer una interpretación _“personal”_, no por ello arbitraria, del texto _Sobre el concepto de historia _o _Tesis de filosofía de la historia_, _Über den Begriff der Geschichte_ de Walter Benjamín, leído de manera situada, una lectura cuya óptica pretende ser _desde_ América Latina. Se insistirá en la excepcionalidad crítica de la obra de Benjamín, sugiriendo que su propuesta alcanza una re-definición y transvaloración del concepto de historia, aquel que de manera habitual nos determina, (...)
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  24. Giuseppe Pontiggia: dalla banca alla letteratura.Renato Bertacchini - 2003 - Studium 99 (4):613-621.
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    L’incarnazione dell’idea nello spazio della scrittura.Renato Boccali - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 71:241-256.
    Philosophy has often appropriated the reflexive element of literature disembodying the sensible idea from the text, thus exercising a coercive violence against literature, reduced to a simple epiphenomenon of a meta-literary discourse. Philosophy tends to appropriate the sensitive content of literature as a raw material to be integrated into a broader conceptual framework dissolving, in fact, the tensional truth implicit in the novelistic structure as Lukács put it. Literary experience cannot be reduced to a mere conceptual structure, to a pure (...)
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    Gaetano Filangieri: lo Stato secondo ragione : catalogo della mostra.Renato Bruschi - 1991 - Napoli: Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici. Edited by Saverio Ricci & Stefano Nutini.
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    Waldron on Special Rights in rem.Renato Cristi - 1994 - Dialogue 33 (2):183-.
  28. Evaluación del rendimiento externo del Bachillerato Colombiano.José Rodrigo Cuéllar - 1984 - Franciscanum: Revista de Las Ciencias Del Espíritu 26 (77):122-138.
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    El marqués de Sade," un Nietzsche avant la lettre".Lluís Cuéllar - 1982 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 3:93-95.
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    Scientific Production on Entrepreneurial Skills in Young Students: Bibliometric Analysis.Diana Mireya Cuéllar-Sánchez, Alex Dueñas-Peña & Karen Núñez-Valdés - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    Entrepreneurship is considered a key element for economic and social development, requiring cognitive, attitudinal, and procedural competencies for its realization. This study focuses on a documentary review aimed at answering the following questions: How is research on entrepreneurial capabilities approached in different countries? What is the volume of scientific production on this topic? In light of this, the present work is developed within the inclusion criteria: publications between 2012 and 2022, various types of documents, written in English, and included in (...)
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  31. PRO2206–Economia Geral.Renato Garcia - unknown - Dilema 1000 (32):34.
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    Realidad y conocimiento.Juan Huarte Osacar - 1992 - Madrid: Unión Editorial.
    v. 1. Análisis crítico del racionalismo cartesiano.
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  33. XXVI Conversaciones de San Esteban: Vivir,¿ para qué? Horizontes de sentido.J. Huarte Osacar - 1998 - Ciencia Tomista 125 (1):169-201.
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    Entrevista com Arno Engelmann.Renato Rodrigues Kinouchi - 2009 - Scientiae Studia 7 (2):325-330.
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    A Problemática do Tempo na Conferência Heideggeriana "Der Begriff der Zeit".Renato Kirchner - 2017 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 1 (1):105-123.
    Para compreender a trajetória da elaboração heideggeriana do conceito de tempo é fundamental analisar a conferência O conceito de tempo (Der Begriff der Zeit). Entendemos que, embora o tempo seja tematizado em vários outros textos da juventude ou mesmo em obras heideggerianas mais tardias, é visível nesta conferência de 1924 a preocupação do pensador em conceber, de uma maneira tematicamente explícita, um novo conceito de tempo. Nossa proposta inicial restringe-se, por um lado, em avistar e evidenciar as ideias condutoras da (...)
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    De Herbart à Kant. Quelques considerátions sur le réalisme de Alois Riehl.Renato Pettoello & Thierry Loisel - 1998 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3:347-366.
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    Heidegger and Leibniz: reason and the path.Renato Cristin - 1998 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Heidegger holds that our age is dominated by the ambition of reason to possess the world. And he sees in Leibniz the man who formulated the theorem of our modern age: nothing happens without a reason. He calls this attitude `calculating thought' and opposes to it a kind of thought aimed at preserving the essence of things, which he calls `meditating thought'. Cristin's book ascribes great importance to this polarity of thinking for the future of contemporary philosophy, and thus compares (...)
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    Review of Renato Tagiuri and Luigi Petrullo: Person Perception and Interpersonal Behavior[REVIEW]Renato Tagiuri & Luigi Petrullo - 1959 - Ethics 70 (1):86-87.
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    Fear shapes information acquisition in decisions from experience.Renato Frey, Ralph Hertwig & Jörg Rieskamp - 2014 - Cognition 132 (1):90-99.
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    The Science of Culture and the Phenomenology of Styles.Renato Barilli - 2012 - Montreal: Mcgill-Queen's University Press. Edited by Corrado Federici.
    In The Science of Culture and the Phenomenology of Styles, Renato Barilli examines the history of artistic style in relation to scientific discovery. Applying an innovative analysis, he illustrates the subtle, yet intrinsic, connection between paradigm shifts in the sciences and in the arts. Barilli argues that there are "homologies," or equivalences, between specific discoveries or inventions and revolutionary advances in artistic techniques. He draws upon the pioneering work of Lucien Goldman, who provides the fundamental definition of "homology," as (...)
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    L’“ars combinatoria” di Ugo Nespolo.Renato Barilli - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica:23-25.
    The combination of single material elements characterises Nespolo’s artworks since the 60s. The primacy of art factuality - to do art manually - emerges both in his geometrically structured works and in his machines and wooden uniconic structures. These are all combined and based on the strategy of puzzle and on a reflection about the mental attitude to do art. For these reasons, it is possible to consider Nespolo as a forerunner of Conceptual Art.
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  42. Antonucci e il teatro contemporaneo.Renato Bertacchini - 2009 - Studium 105 (4):549-558.
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    Le tumulte plébéien.Catherine Huart & Ricardo Peñafiel - 2014 - Multitudes 56 (2):193-201.
    L’interpellation plébéienne est un concept visant à nommer la force politique des soulèvements populaires et des actions directes spontanées. En modifiant le concept althussérien d’ interpellation et en le combinant à celui d’ expérience plébéienne (Breaugh, 2007), il s’agit de rendre compte de l’auto-interpellation des « sans-part » (Rancière, 1990) par laquelle ils se donnent leurs propres conditions de possibilité dans des actions collectives. Le propre de ces actions est précisément de surgir en dehors des formes ritualisées de constitution de (...)
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    Psicologia e biologia: entrevista com César Ades.Renato Rodrigues Kinouchi & Maurício de Carvalho Ramos - 2011 - Scientiae Studia 9 (1):189-203.
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    Situação da Ética Discursiva Pelo Universalismo Interativo: O Eco Das Objeções de Hegel a Kant Na Moral Contempor'nea.Renato Kirchner & Jefferson Martins Cassiano - 2012 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 4 (8):13-26.
    O presente artigo pretende abordar o modo pelo qual a crítica de Hegel a Kant no domínio da moral tem repercussão nas teorias éticas contemporâneas. Trata-se de investigar osentido dessa crítica para autores como Jürgen Habermas e Seyla Benhabib e apresentar o modo como eles acolhem ou reelaboram tais críticas.
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  46. Il filosofo ideale secondo Epitteto.Renato Laurenti - 1962 - Giornale di Metafisica 17:501-513.
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    Studi sull'Economico attribuito ad Aristotele.Renato Laurenti - 1968 - Milano,: Marzorati.
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    Remarks to the United Nations on Human Cloning.Renato R. Martino - 2002 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 2 (1):139-141.
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    O pensamento político de Rousseau à luz do debate liberal-comunitário.Renato Moscateli - 2019 - Doispontos 16 (1).
    No debate entre liberais e comunitaristas, colocam-se perspectivas distintas sobre temas políticos cruciais, à medida que se busca definir a relação mais apropriada entre o indivíduo e a coletividade, ora salientando-se o valor da autonomia pessoal, ora enfatizando-se a importância da inserção identitária dos sujeitos no contexto social. Embora os escritos de Rousseau precedam a discussão entre essas correntes de pensamento, eles abrangeram temas sobre os quais as duas se debruçam. O autor toma o indivíduo como base para a construção (...)
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    Aristotele 1210-1277: diffidenza, accoglienza, condanna: testi di riferimento.Renato Russo - 2021 - S. Maria degli Angeli - Assisi (PG): Edizioni Porziuncola.
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